
We offer raw goat and cow’s milk for animal consumption & other personal uses, at the discretion of the buyer. We have multiple options so you can find the best option for you. Just let us know what you prefer! See below

When you are ready to order, send us a text or message us on facebook and let us know what you need. When reaching out, please include your name and contact info. 

Please submit order a week ahead of time to ensure we have products you need. 

Milk Jar Deposit 

$9/ gallon - Refundable Jar Deposit

Cow/Goat Raw Milk (whole milk)


$6/half gallon


Cow Raw Cream


Cow Raw Butter


 Cow Raw Milk Greek Yogurt


Cow Share Options & How it Works

First, you must decide how much milk you use per week

1 gallon per week? That is a full share

Half a gallon per week? That is half share

Less than ½ a gallon per week? That is a quarter share

Next, to participate in the Cow Share option, you are responsible for 4 basic costs :

Purchase of your share in our herd (the cow-share)

$75/full share

$50/half share

$30/quarter share

The cow-share fee is a one-time, non­-transferrable purchase. If you move or wish to not “share” any longer, it will be your responsibility to let us know so we can make that share available to other costumers.

A yearly boarding fee for your cow (with this fee you receive your weekly milk)

Weekly Share- 52 weeks

Full Share (1 gallon/week)- Most economical



Save $1 dollar per gallon!

Half Share (1/2 gallon/week)



Save .50 cents per gallon!

Quarter Share (1 quart/week)



Save .25 cents per quart!

A delivery fee, if you are not able to pick up your milk at our Ranch

+10% of weekly share


Full share (1 gallon/week)

384/year +10% delivery ($38.40) = $422.40/year


Jar fee for ALL herd shareowners: 2 sets of jars

Full share: $15/year- this fee will be re-imbursed when you decide to not “share” any longer and you bring both jars in good working condition, back to Neufeld Ranch

Half Share & Quarter Share: $8/year- this fee will be re-imbursed when you decide to not “share” any longer and you bring both jars in good working condition, back to Neufeld Ranch